If you are missing one or more teeth, a dental bridge might be the ideal solution to restore your smile and oral health. A dental bridge is a fixed prosthetic device that fills the gap left by missing teeth. Unlike removable dentures, a dental bridge is permanently anchored in place, providing a stable and durable solution.
The process begins with the preparation of the adjacent teeth or dental implants, which will serve as the anchor points for your bridge. These teeth, known as abutment teeth, are fitted with custom-made crowns designed to blend seamlessly with your natural teeth. Between these crowns, a false tooth, or pontic, is positioned to fill the space of the missing tooth. Bridges can also be placed on dental implants.
One of the main benefits of a dental bridge is its ability to restore the natural function of your teeth. With a bridge, you can speak, eat and chew more effectively. Additionally, a dental bridge can help maintain the shape of your face, preventing the sunken appearance that often accompanies tooth loss.
Beyond functionality, a dental bridge also contributes to the aesthetic appeal of your smile. By filling in the gaps, it enhances the overall appearance of your teeth, boosting your confidence and self-esteem. Moreover, a well-fitted bridge can prevent remaining natural teeth from drifting out of position, thereby maintaining proper alignment and bite.
The procedure to get a dental bridge typically requires just two visits to our office. During the first visit, our dentists will prepare the abutment teeth and take an impression of your mouth to create a precise mold. This ensures that your bridge fits perfectly. During the second visit, we will place the permanent bridge, making any necessary adjustments to ensure comfort and functionality.
Dr. Jim Singletary and Dr. Brantley McCarty are dedicated to helping you determine if a custom dental bridge in Bradenton, Florida, is the right option for you. We are here to answer any questions and guide you through the process. For more information, or to schedule a consultation, reach out to Seaside Smiles today at 941-756-1858. Your journey to a restored smile and improved oral health starts here.